If you wish to order offline, please fill in the form and fax it or mail it to the address below. If you send it by conventional mail, please use a registered mail or courier AND email us the relevant registration / tracking number, along with the order details: this will ensure a safe delivery and allow us to ship your parcel as soon as we receive the payment. Thank you for your support!

Order details:


Unit cost


Total (USD)

Stop-Smoking Mentalism




Shipment and Handling
(flat rate worldwide)








Shipping address:

Name: ___________________________    Street Address: ____________________________

City: ____________________________    State/Province: ____________________________

ZIP Code: ________________________    Country: __________________________________

Telephone: _______________________    Email: ____________________________________


Billing address:    Same as above

Name: ___________________________    Street Address: ____________________________

City: ____________________________    State/Province: ____________________________

ZIP Code: ________________________    Country: __________________________________

Telephone: _______________________    Email: ____________________________________

Preferred method of payment:

Cash (enclosed)
Credit card       In this case, please specify the following details as they appear on your card:

First Name: _________________________     Last Name: __________________________

Credit Card Type:  VISA      MasterCard      Discover      American Express      EuroCard

                          JCB        Diner's Club      Optima        Carte Blanche          Carte Bleue

Credit card number: _______________________      Expiration date (MM/YY): _________

Card Verification number (usually a 3-digit number printed on the back): ______________

Please mail or fax to:
Underwords - 207-1425 Marine Drive, Vancouver BC - Canada V7T 1B9
Fax +1-604-677-7476

Notes (optional): ___________________________________________________________